■ The main specifications and regulations that should be followed in the cold retaining design
GB/T4272-2008 …………………………General principles of insulation technology for equipment and pipes
GB/T8175-2008 …………………………Guidelines for thermal insulation design of equipment and pipelines
GB/T8174-2008 …………………Test and evaluation of insulation effect of equipment and pipes
GBJ126-89 …………………Code for Construction and Acceptance of Thermal Insulation Works for Industrial Equipment and Pipelines
■ The basic rule of thickness selection of cold retaining layer
1, the greater the relative temperature of the environment, the thicker the cooling layer.
2, the lower the temperature of the medium, the thicker the cold protection layer.
3, the higher the ambient humidity, the thicker the cold protection layer.
4, the larger the inner diameter of the pipeline, the thicker the cold protection layer.
5, the smaller the wet resistance factor of the cold retaining material, the thinner the cold retaining layer.
6, the larger the wet resistance factor of the cold retaining material, the thinner the cold retaining layer.
7, the greater the surface coefficient of the cold retaining material, the thinner the cold retaining layer.
■ Typical conditions for use
1, central air conditioning chilled water supply system T=7℃
2, central air conditioning chilled water return system T=12℃
3, central air conditioning condensate system T=18℃
4, central air conditioning air supply system T=14℃
5, central air conditioning host refrigeration medium low temperature system
6, refrigeration refrigeration system T=0℃ -40 ℃
■ Recommended thickness of air supply pipe for cold protection and condensation prevention
The air system of the central air conditioner is divided into fresh air, exhaust air and return air, and the parts that need to be insulated only refer to the air supply pipe and the return air pipe.
Central air conditioning return air medium temperature is generally not higher than 14℃, the value is lower than the dew point temperature of the air conditioning room, in order to prevent condensation,
It is necessary to lay a cold protection layer on the air duct. Hengxiang Fornos board is the central air conditioning supply, return air pipe for the appropriate cold retaining material.